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Elastic IP


The Elastic IP (EIP) service provides static public IP addresses and scalable bandwidths that enable your cloud resources to communicate with the Internet. You can easily bind an EIP to an ECS, virtual IP address, NAT gateway, or load balancer, enabling immediate Internet access.


Purchase EIPs individually and use them flexibly.

High-Speed Bandwidth

Choose dynamic or static BGP protocols to meet your requirements.

Low Cost

Use shared bandwidth to reduce costs.

Easy Management

Manage EIPs with minimum effort.


Ease of Use

You can easily bind and unbind EIPs on the console. You can also dynamically scale the bandwidth included in the EIP subscription to meet changing requirements.

Flexible Billing

EIPs are available on a pay-per-use (bandwidth usage or amount of traffic is billed) and monthly basis.

Shared Bandwidth

You can configure multiple EIPs to share the same bandwidth and thereby streamline costs.

Real-Time Adjustments

All EIP binding or unbinding or bandwidth adjustments you make are effective immediately.

Use Cases

Technical Documentation

EIP User Guide

This document describes Elastic IP service, helping you quickly create and properly use the service.

EIP API Reference

This document describes application programming interfaces (APIs) of Elastic IP (EIP) and provides API parameter description and example values.

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